Mominul Islam

Hello there! Welcome to my website! Here, I share my academic notes, projects, and publications. You can freely download my academic notes and access the codes for my projects through the embedded links.

A little about me: I am a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from North South University. I have hands-on research experience over 2 years, have written a paper on AI/ML with Hasib Zunair and Dr. Nabeel Mohammed, and published it in Elsevier's Computers in Biology and Medicine journal, which is a Scopus-indexed Q1 journal with an impact factor of 7.7 and an acceptance rate of only 13%. My research interests include multi-modal LLMs, biomedical text processing, medical image classification and segmentation, and generative models.

I previously worked as a part-time Undergraduate Assistant at North South University for one and a half years, and now I continue as a Graduate Assistant. Currently, I am also employed as an Intern at Beximco Communications Limited.

For any further queries, feel free to reach out to me at: mominul[dot]islam05[at]northsouth[dot]edu

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